PageSender is 5 years old!

(That’s like 50 in shareware years!) PageSender was launched 5 years ago today. The “fax software that really works” was released by Smile Software (the “smile” in SmileOnMyMac) at a time before fax capability was built into Mac OS X. Though faxing was later added in OS X 10.3 (Panther), PageSender’s full feature set, stability and excellent customer service made it the favorite of reviewers and users. As Macworld put it, “one application is a shining light in a field dominated by dim products.” What’s a birthday without a cake? And candles! And singing! (And exploitation of children for commercial purposes!) (View the video at YouTube.) Coming May 8th: PageSender 4 with some great new features, including spam fax filtering and PDF cover pages! (Those who know me will recognize the sacrifice I made getting a photogenic white-frosted cake, rather than chocolate…)