Discover and Share Snippet Groups with TextExpander’s Public Groups

Public Groups offer a way to discover ready-made TextExpander snippet groups, sourced from a variety of authors, in one place. Anyone on the latest version of TextExpander can subscribe to these groups, or publish groups to share with the TextExpander community.

If you’ve just started out with TextExpander, and want more than a gloriously (scarily) blank slate to start with, or, if you’re a veteran looking for more good ideas, Public Groups are a great place to go.

This is also the place to publish a group you feel has value to the whole TextExpander community.

Here at TextExpander HQ we’ve seen some really cool snippet groups over the years, and we encourage you to share the great ideas you’ve come up with.

See our article on Public Groups for details on publishing, or subscribing to, a group.

Less “public” public sharing

Along with Public Groups, we’ve also introduced a way for you to share your group with your chosen audience using public URLs. You can post the public URL for a group you’d like to share where you see fit, and not post it in our Public Groups. Anyone with the link can subscribe.

Group updates

Either way you share a group, or subscribe to a shared group, these publicly shared snippet groups are “live” and allow for instant updates to subscribers as authors enhance their groups.

Tips on good shared groups

  • Abbreviations
    Think of abbreviations that are unlikely to interfere with other people’s preexisting snippets. Adding a group prefix, for example, can help with that. A Markdown group might be prefixed with


    and a group of popular URLs might be prefixed with


  • Labels
    A label is an optional part of a snippet, but is very handy for describing what a snippet is for, especially if the snippet is long. The label is also the part of the snippet which appears alongside the abbreviation when people view their snippet list.

For more info see How to share snippet groups publicly… in our Knowledge Base.