TextExpander and the AMA Project

Twitter AMA

Yesterday we had our first ever Twitter AMA (Ask Me Anything). Our awesome TextExpander users got right down to the metal (the engineers) to ask some tough questions, such as “Why are you so great?” and “Where can I buy more TextExpander?”

Kidding, those were not questions asked. “When is your birthday?” is a real question asked, but, by @macgenie, our friend over at App Camp 4 Girls. The answer is May 23, 2006 by the way, our little baby is 9 years old.

Discovery of lesser known features and favorite snippets were just some of the topics covered.

To get more than a taste, search #TextExpanderAMA on Twitter.

We also gave out some prizes. If you didn’t get to participate, or get a prize, we’ve got something for you, links to our top TextExpander tips posts.

New Groups:

Make a Letters in Circles Snippet Group

TextExpander Has Built-in Emojis

Import Your OS X Shortcuts

Learning Corner

iOS-ify Your Mac Abbreviations

Using Date and Time Math

Help Remember Email Attachments

New Snippets

Nest a Snippet Inside Another Snippet

Useful Snippets You Haven’t Thought Of

Using the Clipboard


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